COPD CASE STUDY - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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69-year-old female with COPD has 56 years of smoking history stopped smoking 3 weeks prior to first cell therapy due to not being able to breathe. Prior to treatment she reported shortness of breath at rest, chest discomfort, fatigue, depression, irritability, memory loss, low sex drive, dizziness/numbness/tingling.

She also had a flareup of facial swelling and pain which she had gotten after a facial juvederm injection. After the first cell therapy session, the swelling in face had gone down, improving somewhat each day. within 4 days the swelling under the eye was gone completely, and didn’t feel the pain anymore. She also started to breathe better, with no more shortness of breath at rest, able to sleep through the whole night with no more coughing.

She also no longer has numbness/tingling in hands & feet, and with no more dizziness, and mood has been good.

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