Cryotherapy - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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Cryotherapy is freezing of undesirable tissues, such as warts, sun spots, and fibromas. This is done with the aid of a liquid nitrogen. Because of the freezing, the tissue will be damaged. The unwanted tissue dies and will be replaced by new and healthy tissue.

At Botuline Rimpelzorg Klinieken, we work with the Cryopen. With this, the undesired tissue can be monitored and handled up to the millimeter accurately. During the treatment you will experience little to no discomfort. The treatment only takes a few seconds. Whether your skin is suitable for treatment with the Cryopen varies per person and is well discussed during the first consultation.

You are not suitable for treatment with the Cryopen if you suffer from an autoimmune disease, if you have diabetes, when you are pregnant or when you have inflammation in the area of ​​skin to be treated. You will also not be eligible for treatment with the Cryopen if your body can not tolerate cold or excessively exposure to sunlight.

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