ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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Below is a sample of existing clinical evidence:

“Almost all of the studies reported improved erectile function in various animal models of CN (Cavernous Nerve) injury, vascular insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and aging… a single intracavernous injection of autologous ADSCs (Adipose-Derived Stem Cells) in 17 men (aged 46~69 years) with severe, refractory, post-prostatectomy ED resulting from surgery 5~18 months prior to enrollment…. 8 of the 17 men recovered erectile function with the ability to accomplish sexual intercourse.”
-“The Current Status of Stem-Cell Therapy in Erectile Dysfunction: A Review,” Reed-Maldonado et al, The World Journal of Men’s Health, 2016
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