Hair transplantation (FUE technique) - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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The FUE (FUE – Follicle Unit Extraction) hair transplant technique is used to transplant grafts from one place of the head to another. In this new technique, the hair roots are removed one by one with a hollow needle from the donor site.

The area where the hair is taken from is usually located at the back of the head. The hairs that grow there do not fall out, even in severe male hair loss. In a hair transplant according to the FUE method, hairs are moved to, for example, the top of the head, the hairline or the inlets. The transplanted hairs retain their genetic properties of the hair ring and therefore do not fall out.

The result is that hair growth can take place again in places that were first bare. The big advantage of hair transplantation according to the FUE technique is that wound healing takes place quickly at the places where the hair has been removed and that no elongated scar remains behind as in the hair transplantation with the FUT method. However, there are also disadvantages. Little scars can remain on the places where the units or grafts have been removed. This is especially good if the hair is shaved off or clipped.

The FUE hair transplant technique is more labor intensive than the FUT technique and often more expensive. However, we see that the FUT hair transplantation method is less and less performed. In the FUE method, more than 2000 grafts per day can now be transplanted at certain clinics. To transplant sufficient hairs, multiple treatment days are sometimes required.

Would you like more information or would you like to know if you are a suitable candidate for hair transplantation with this technique? Then contact us.


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