Lipofilling - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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Lipofilling is a proven technique in which the fat cells harvested by liposuction, after processing, are injected elsewhere to fill up defects or wrinkles or to enlarge, for example, breasts or buttocks. In the first period after the lipofilling a part of the fat cells will dissolve, but the remaining cells will give a lasting result.

Heredity, aging or disease can cause local volume loss. Common problems are sunken cheeks, hollow eye sockets, flatter buttocks and flaccid or asymmetrical breasts. A solution for this volume loss is lipofilling. It is a unique way to improve your contours with body fat.

Because lipofilling uses body fat, this method is very safe and there is no risk of rejection. It is also the case that liposuction (the removal of fat cells) also causes so-called stem cells to come alongside fat cells. This gives lipofilling (the insertion of the fat cells) a relaxation of the tissue in, for example, scars, trauma, burns or after irradiation.



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