Micro-Needling - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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The Gold Pen is a revolutionary device for applying Micro Needling. The Gold Pen makes microscopic small channels into the skin using tiny needles. This releases growth factors that stimulate the production and restructuring of collagen and elastin (connective tissues); Collagen.

A treatment with the Gold Pen is an effective way to renew and improve your skin in depth. In order to optimize the result of your treatment, our skin specialists bring active ingredients into the skin during treatment, focusing on the indication. Even after the treatment, the skin will absorb the active ingredients from your skin care products better.

Micro Needling treatment uses tiny needles that move up and down very quickly. It feels like a sandpaper is being moved over the skin. The experience of pain sensations depends on the depth of treatment. In deeper treatments, however, we use an anesthetic cream. The treatment takes about 20 minutes. These treatments are offered in a cure. Usually 4 to 6 treatments are sufficient for the desired result. The costs of this treatment vary from € 100 to € 250 per treatment. The price depends on the size of the treatment area and the active ingredient used.

Are you interested or do you want more information about this treatment? Then make an appointment for a free consultation! Indications for which Micro-Needling is applied: fine lines, acne, scars, sun damage, coarse skin structure, pigment disorders, enlarged pores, stretch marks, general skin improvement, alopecia (local hair loss of head and beard).Induction Therapy (CIT). This makes the skin fuller, smoother, more resistant, firmer and smoother in color.

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