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50 year old Caucasian male started to experience numbness in his feet, legs and abdomen 1 year prior, and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). His physician put him on a short course of steroid medication which temporarily relieved his symptoms. However, these symptoms would return every 2 months, always starting with numbness in his hands. On MRI, it was found that he had 2 lesions in his spine (cervical & thoracic), and the cervical lesion was enlarging. Patient had difficulty at work due to the numbness in his hands, as well as low energy, and felt that he might not be able to continue his work if he did not get better.

Patient received 2 infusions of stem cells 2 weeks apart. After the first infusion, he noticed that the numbness in his hands lessened, and the coldness in feet reduced significantly. A few weeks after the second infusion, he reported that the numbness in his hands had disappeared, and he had more energy. 6 months later, he was still doing very well, and felt that stem cell therapy helped him greatly, allowing him to have a better quality of life and continue his employment.

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