Nose lip folds - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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A nose lip fold is the line that runs from the side of your nose to the lips. This line is experienced as annoying by many people. The nose lip fold can cause a tired appearance.

in the face are mainly related to the reduction of volume in the face. For example, the fat compartments on the cheekbones are very heavy. As you get older, your skin will weaken, resulting in the familiar nose-lip fold and hamster cheeks. Gravity plays a role in this, but also the decrease of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. The most ideal solution for this is to restore the V-shape in your face by giving the cheekbones more volume.

Is this not enough? Then the nose-lip fold or hamster cheeks can be treated separately. Influences from outside can have a negative effect on the skin, causing wrinkles and lines to appear more quickly. You can think of smoking, alcohol and lots of sunlight. If you find the nose flawless or disfiguring, you can decide to have it removed. This does not always require a surgical intervention. So you can get a treatment with a muscle relaxant Botuline toxin from one of our doctors or your nose is filled with fillers.

The doctor will always give you honest advice. During a consultation the doctor discusses your complaints and he takes the treatments with you. Do you want to know what possibilities there are? And would you like to get acquainted with Botuline Wrinkle Care Clinics? Request a completely free and free consultation. During the interview you can indicate what your wishes are. The doctor will assess your skin and indicate which treatment suits you. Also all aspects of a treatment are discussed. You can then make an informed choice.

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