Permanent make up - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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You always want to look beautiful and radiant. You make yourself happy every day, but here is a lot of time, not to talk about the cost of good products. If you no longer need to stand in front of the mirror for hours, permanent make-up (PMU) may be the solution for you.

Permanent make-up is finally applied to the skin. This is done with a very modern, advanced and safe device, which works accurately on the millimeter. And because the device gives a natural result, it is not really distinguishable.

We also use microblading technology. Here hairs are drawn within your existing eyebrow hairs by means of a special knife. Our PMU specialist prevents the color pigment from being applied too deeply in the skin when applying permanent make-up.

Phenomena such as cell renewal, the body’s immune system and the influence of UV light will slowly blur the pigmentation color of the make-up. In practice, the color of the permanent makeup can remain visible for three to five years, but this varies per skin type.

Popular treatments in the field of PMU are eyebrows, lip liner, full lips and eyeliner. The PMU treatment is generally not experienced too painfully, but because everyone experiences the treatment differently, it is possible to undergo treatment under anesthesia at Rimpelzorg Klinieken. The doctor inserts a cannula with a narcotic so that the place where the permanent makeup is applied is numb during the treatment.

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