Phlebology (varicose veins) - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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The client comes to the consultation hour because of complaints of the legs, such as fatigue, restlessness in the legs, cramps, fluid in the legs or itching, with possible varicose veins. Cosmetic complaints are also counted.

During the intake the doctor will first discuss the complaints with the client. This is followed by a brief physical examination after which a duplex examination of the legs will take place. This is similar to an external ultrasound examination as is done in pregnant women. This research takes 5-10 minutes. After this examination the doctor will be able to discuss with the client the cause of the complaints and what can be done about them. If there are deeper problems that need to be treated, for example, the client is referred to the hospital.

If treatment with, for example, sclerocompression is indicated, this can be done after signing the declaration of consent. Detailed explanation is given about the rules of life after this treatment. After a number of weeks monitoring takes place and possibly residues can be treated. This means that the vein is injected with a liquid. A cotton ball is stuck to this. At the end of the treatment, the whole is again covered and an elastic stocking is put on the leg. This should be kept for 3 to 7 days day and night.

In the event of irritation, the stickers may be discarded earlier, with the client lying down on the bed half-lying down and removing the stocking after removal of the stickers in the same position. The stocking may not get wet and as long as the stocking is on it is not allowed to exercise or heavy physical actions where pressure is put on the stomach.

As long as the veins or their remains are still visible, the sun should be handled carefully, while a good protection such as at least SPF30 of the legs is recommended. Depending on the size of the treated varicose veins, dissolving the veins can take up to 4 months. No sclerocompression therapy is performed in pregnant or breastfeeding patients.

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