PRP facelift (Vampire facelift & Dracula facelift) - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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Wrinkles: nobody is happy with it, and everyone gets them sooner or later. PRP replenishes wrinkles with the body’s own blood plasma with growth factors: Platelet Rich Plasma or platelet rich plasma. From your own blood, so that sounds very safe, safer than Botulinum toxin or other substances. PRP as a technique to fill and blur your wrinkles. Because who wants wrinkles? If the injected substance is also your own, confidence is aroused.

PRP is a technique for achieving skin improvements. PRP is an abbreviation for Platelet Rich Plasma, or blood plasma with many platelets. PRP is called a new method of injectables. It is also called plateful plasma in the Netherlands. The application with injectables is also called Angel facelift. First, some blood is taken from the customer. Usually 2 or 3 tubes are sufficient for a treatment. Not more so than a regular blood test by the lab. This blood is then centrifuged. This separates platelets with growth factors from the red blood cells.

The blood plasma is the liquid in which both float. The blood plasma with the large amount of platelets is the product that is used. Platelets are not yet complete cells, but only fragments. If you, you bump or injure, you damage cells in your body. Platelets clump together at the place of damage, they stick together and form a plug that seals the damage. The start of the healing. Because these platelets also contain growth factors that ensure wound healing and tissue generation. And here again grateful use is made of various healing and plastic techniques.

PRP is not a new technique. It has been used for years in dentistry and orthopedics. Even in veterinary medicine it is used, among other things in the recovery of tendon problems in horses. The winning and application of platelets with growth factors was also the subject of PhD student Drs Mooren in 2010 at Radboud University Nijmegen *): ‘Growth factors from platelets: stimulant for bone healing?’. As a dental surgeon, Mooren has shown by research that bone growth could be stimulated in a group of twenty patients, with damage to the jawbone due to a tumor.

Positive effect of PRP has thus been demonstrated. A point of attention was that further research was needed into the ideal dosage. Indications for which PRP can be applied: refine and remove fine lines and wrinkles, beginning baldness and hair loss, sun damaged skin, dark circles under the eyes, sagging skin (skin texture and tone recovery), enlarged pores, dry and dull skin which can sometimes itch (restore fluid and glow), hyperpigmentation and aging, redness, stretch marks, acne scars and scars.



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