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66 year old female with history of long-standing Hashimoto’s thyroiditis & Crohn’s disease was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 3 years ago. At the time of stem cell treatment, she complained of pain, numbness & tingling in her hands and feet. She had not been able to close her hands for months, was unable to perform her job duties as a surgical nurse, and had to get help for small tasks like opening jars. Pt was receiving Remicade infusions every 5 weeks, and it had been 3.5 weeks since last infusion at the time of stem cell treatment.

Toward the end of her stem cell infusion, she noticed that she was able to close her hands to make fists, which made her tearful as she had not been able to do so for so long. 4 weeks after the stem cell treatment, she reported of great improvements, and had stopped taking all prednisones. She said she was sleeping better, no longer gaining weight, and had reduced her dose of Sulfasalazine to every other day.

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