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70 year old otherwise healthy male had repeated right testicular swelling and infections for the past 2 years. Patient had similar issues with his left testicle 5 year ago, and his urologist surgically removed it. However, after the operation, patient started to have frequent inflammation and infection in his remaining right testicle, where there were 2 nodules the size of small marbles. For the past 2 years, he said he had “no quality of life,” dealing with repeated swelling, pain, infections and rounds of antibiotics. His urologist wanted to remove his right testicle as well, and patient wanted to try stem cell therapy as his last resort.

At follow-up 2 months after his treatment, patient said “I have not felt this great for 20 years.” The 2 nodules had gone away completely, and his testicle is completely normal. Patient is thrilled that he was able to resolve the issue and regain his quality of life.

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